Traveling to Canada?
Here you can find information that can help you if you are traveling to Montreal, Canada.
For information about Covid-19 2023's measures,
To find out if you need a visa to travel to Canada,
To get a visitor's visa,
For air travelers:
After landing in YUL airport, you can choose to get to your hotel by bus, by train, or you can take an Uber... Several options are before you.
If you decide to take the STM (The société de transport de Montréal) bus, you can take the 747 bus, a line that runs 24/7 between YUL Airport and downtown Montreal. If you plan to take the metro, you can either get off the 747 on metro station Lionel-Groulx or on metro station Berri-UQAM.
For information about STM fees (bus and metro), click here.
If you decide to take the STM (The société de transport de Montréal) bus, you can take the 747 bus, a line that runs 24/7 between YUL Airport and downtown Montreal. If you plan to take the metro, you can either get off the 747 on metro station Lionel-Groulx or on metro station Berri-UQAM.
For information about STM fees (bus and metro), click here.
To get to the venue:
This year's IFHAB Workshop will be held in Université de Montréal - Campus MIL.The driving address is 1375 Ave. Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux, Montreal, QC. To get there via STM, you can take the metro to station Outremont (500m. 6-minute wall to Campus MIL).
Campus MIL is represented in blue.
The workshop will take place in block B.
Campus MIL is represented in blue.
The workshop will take place in block B.